Sed command in Unix/Linux
command is used in unix/linux like operating system for editing the file or stream and it does a lot of functions like find and replace, insertion, deletion. it scans the file or stream line by line and executes command on each line. In this post I am exploring some useful sed command with examples.
sed options [script] [inputfile]
Make man
your friend, for reference or in doubt use the command $man sed
Consider the text file rk.txt
as input with the following content
java is a programming language, java has a good developer community
java is easy learn java, java follows oo principles
java uses simple syntax, python uses simple syntax
1. Replacing or substituting a string
$sed 's/java/python/' rk.txt
By default sed replaces only the first occurrence, so the above command will replace first occurrence of ‘java’ with ‘python’.
python is a programming language, java has a good developer community
python is easy learn java, java follows oo principles
python uses simple syntax, python uses simple syntax
2. Replace or substitute nth occurrence of a pattern in each line
$sed 's/java/python/2' rk.txt
The above command will replace 2nd occurrence of ‘java’ with ‘python’ in each line if the 2nd occurrence is present.
java is a programming language, python has a good developer community
java is easy learn python, java follows oo principles
java uses simple syntax, python uses simple syntax
3. Replace or substitute all occurrences of a pattern in each line
$sed 's/java/python/g' rk.txt
The above command will replace all the occurrences of ‘java’ with ‘python’
python is a programming language, python has a good developer community
python is easy learn python, python follows oo principles
python uses simple syntax, python uses simple syntax
4. Use sed with pipe
$cat rk.txt | sed 's/java/python/g'
As with all the other linux commands you can use sed in a pipe and it’s where is actual power lies. you can use sed command in a pip instead of giving the file name as argument.
python is a programming language, python has a good developer community
python is easy learn python, python follows oo principles
python uses simple syntax, python uses simple syntax
5. Replacing string on a particular line number
$sed '2 s/java/python/g' rk.txt
The above command replaces ‘java’ with python only on 3rd line of the file.
java is a programming language, java has a good developer community
python is easy learn python, python follows oo principles
java uses simple syntax, python uses simple syntax
6. Replacing string in a range of line
$sed '1,2 s/java/python/g' rk.txt
python is a programming language, python has a good developer community
python is easy learn python, python follows oo principles
java uses simple syntax, python uses simple syntax$sed '2,$ s/java/python/g' rk.txt
The above command will replace occurrence of ‘java’ with ‘python’ from 2nd line to last line
python is a programming language, python has a good developer community
python is easy learn python, python follows oo principles
python uses simple syntax, python uses simple syntax
7. Print only modified lines
$sed -n '2,$ s/java/python/gp' rk.txt
Above command will replace ‘java’ with ‘python’ from second line to last line and print only the modified lines in which the substitution performed. look for `-n’ flag
python is easy learn python, python follows oo principles
python uses simple syntax, python uses simple syntax
8. Print modified lines twice
$sed '2,$ s/java/python/gp' rk.txt
Above command will replace ‘java’ with ‘python’ from second line to last line and print twice the modified lines in which the substitution performed.
java is a programming language, java has a good developer community
python is easy learn python, python follows oo principles
python is easy learn python, python follows oo principles
python uses simple syntax, python uses simple syntax
python uses simple syntax, python uses simple syntax
9. Deleting nth line
$sed '2d' rk.txt
Above command will delete 2nd line from rk.txt
java is a programming language, java has a good developer community
java uses simple syntax, python uses simple syntax
10. Deleting lines in a range
$sed '1,2d' rk.txt
Above command will delete lines from 1 to 2.
java uses simple syntax, python uses simple syntax$sed '2,$d' rk.txt
Above command will delete lines from 2 to last.
java is a programming language, java has a good developer community
11. Insert a blank line after each line
$sed G rk.txt
java is a programming language, java has a good developer community java is easy learn java, java follows oo principlesjava uses simple syntax, python uses simple syntax
For inserting two blank lines use following command
$sed 'G;G' rk.txt
12. View/Print lines in a range
$sed -n '2,3p' rk.txt
Above command will print 2nd to 3rd line from rk.txt
java is easy learn java, java follows oo principles
java uses simple syntax, python uses simple syntax
For print nth line use following
$sed -n '2p' rk.txt
Above command will print 2nd line from rk.txt
java is easy learn java, java follows oo principles
13. View/Print lines except a given range
$sed '2,3d' rk.txt
Above command will print all lines from file rk.txt except lines from 2nd to 3rd
java is a programming language, java has a good developer community
14. View/Print non-consecutive lines/range from a file
$sed -n -e '1p' -e '3p' rk.txt
Above command will print 1st and 3rd line from file rk.txt
java is a programming language, java has a good developer community
java uses simple syntax, python uses simple syntax
Notice the -e
flag, using this flag we can append multiple editing command and each command will be executed in sequence
15. In place editing of a file
$sed -i 's/java/python/g' rk.txt
Above command will do the substitution in place directly in rk.txt file, notice the `-i’ flag, without this flag the edit operation does not affect the original file.
16. Inplace editing of a file with backup
$sed -i '.original' 's/java/python/g' rk.txt
Above command will make changes in original file rk.txt and will make a backup of file with ‘.original’ extension, After executing the above command there will be two files rk.txt and rk.txt.original. This is recommended way of doing in place editing, in case if we do any mistake we will have a backup file.
17. Regular expression: print line which matches a pattern
$sed -n '/programming/ p' rk.txt
Above command will print all the lines which has ‘programming’ in it.
java is a programming language, java has a good developer community
18. Delete lines which matches a pattern
sed '/programming/ d' rk.txt
Above command will delete all the lines which has ‘programming’.
java is easy learn java, java follows oo principles
java uses simple syntax, python uses simple syntax
19. Replace in lines which matches given pattern
$sed '/programming/ s/java/python/g' rk.txt
Above command will replace ‘java’ with ‘python’ in each line which has ‘programming’ in it.
python is a programming language, python has a good developer community
java is easy learn java, java follows oo principles
java uses simple syntax, python uses simple syntax